Professional Tips For Physicians

Professional Tips for Physicians


The physician job market can be a competitive environment. Physicians are needed now more than ever with a projected physician shortage happening in the next decade, but that doesn’t necessarily mean finding a job will be an easy process. There could be thousands of positions available across the nation, making it difficult to narrow down and decipher which is the best option for you. Then comes negotiating compensation, which can vary based on location and experience.

To make the job search process a little less intimidating, we’ve compiled a list of professional tips physicians can use as a guideline to land the career of their dreams and find success in their professions.

Starting the search:

So, you’re getting ready to start your search? Here are our tips for you!

  1. Start the search process at least a year in advance. The earlier you start, the better. Apply to multiple places and
  2. Consider practice location. What geographic setting would you like to live in? It’s important to find a place that you’ll enjoy for years to come. Don’t settle for a job in a location you aren’t fond of.
  3. Consider practice type. Do you prefer employment with a hospital, group practice or other employer? What type of procedures do you want to do? What hours and after-hours can you manage?
  4. Polish your resume. Leave off objective statements, hobbies, irrelevant work experience, and too much education information. Most of all, don’t lie or bluff on your resume. Keep it focused and honest.
  5. Understand different types of recruiters. Third party recruiters, in hospital recruiters, etc.

Landing the job:

Good job - You got an interview! Here are some things to think about when going into an interview.  

  1. Prepare questions in advance of your interview. It can be easy to forget things you wanted to say in the heat of the moment. Write down your questions in advance, and don’t be afraid to bring a notebook and jot down notes as you go.
  2. Be prepared to negotiate. Ask for what you think you need, and be willing to make reasonable compromises with your employer.
  3. Dress appropriately. This may seem obvious, but a surprising number of physicians show up to interviews in jeans and casual wear. Remember, it’s better to be a little overdressed than under-dressed. It shows you are taking the interview seriously.
  4. Obtain multiple offers to leverage yourself. Having multiple offers and a back up plan can help you in salary negotiations.

Making the most of the job:

Perfect! Now you have the job. Here are our thoughts on making the most of it.

  1. Get your employment contract reviewed and re-evaluated at renewal. It’s important to look over the contractual details of your employment. Resolve has a team of professional attorneys who can help decipher the implications of your contract.
  2. Say ‘yes’ to things early in your career, which will earn you the right to say ‘no thank you’ later.
  3. When you fail, ask for feedback from people further along than you. Use your failures as opportunities to learn and grow.
  4. Connect with your colleagues. As much as you may want to rely on your own strength, hard times will come in medical practice. You’ll need a support system of people who can relate to what you’re going through..
  5. Watch out for financial incentive traps. Extra call, selling your vacation weeks, and working extra shifts may be very appealing in the beginning; but you cannot put a price tag on protecting your well-being and remaining joyful in medicine.
  6. Keep your priorities straight. Give your family your best. Give your work the rest. Healthy family life and your personal well-being should take precedence over your job, no matter how dedicated you are. This will also help with burnout prevention.